Art & Culture for Sustainability

With the creation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, culture was included in the global development agenda as part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an unprecedented, cross-cutting way. Cultural factors influence lifestyles, individual behavior, consumption patterns, values related to environmental stewardship, and our interaction with the natural environment (UNESCO). Therefore, establishing a total norm of sustainability demands a transformation of mindset from a customary norm towards a sustainability norm. To achieve the transformation of mind set towards sustainability, culture and norm of sustainability must go align. On the other hand, art, culture, and media are so powerful tools that can efficiently facilitate the journey towards sustainability.
In 2013, the International Federation of Arts Council and Cultural Agencies (IFACCA) took initiatives at informing international art leaders about global developments in policies and programmes related to culture and environmental sustainability. Since then, the creative sector is playing an increasingly significant role in raising awareness of climate change and encouraging sustainable social, economic, and environmental practices worldwide. A growing number of artists, cultural organizations, and creative industries leaders are dedicating their talents and resources in awareness building, and creating innovative solutions to move us towards greater sustainability. Similarly, this initiative will support the CES in building awareness, facilitating various programmes and creating innovative solutions for achieving centre’s goal towards sustainability. We are dedicated to devote our talent, creativity and tools in that line.

Research Group Members -

Jasim Uddin

Mokarrom Hossain

Main Uddin Zahed

Durjoy Prashad Das

Ali Imam Reza

Publications -