Sustainable Forestry

Sustainable forestry research aims on caring for and managing forests to provide the ecosystem goods and services, such as wood and clean water, wildlife habitat and beautiful landscapes for present time and in the future. Sustainable forestry is concerned with all parts of the forest; plants, soils, wildlife, and water. It involves protecting forests from wildfire, pests, and diseases, and preserving forests that are unique or special.

Sustainable forestry also puts an emphasis on people. People need forests for the resources they provide, and as a place to live or for their livelihood. To care for and manage a forest in a sustainable way it is necessary to use responsible management practices. These are often specifically adapted to each site. One of the most important practices is to look at whether the forest has enough natural seeds, seedlings, and tree sprouts (all called regeneration) to make a future forest. Many sustainable forestry practices can protect or encourage forest regeneration. Sustainable forestry practices also include protecting forest streams and wet areas. Harvesting trees can disturb and expose soil in small areas.

The total area of forest land in Bangladesh is about 2.6 million hectares (BFD, 2015). Out of which 1.6 million hectares are under the control of the Forest Department (BFD). Un-classed State Forests (USF) 0.73 million hectares were until recently under the control of the deputy commissioners and now has been placed under the control of district councils. There are discrepancies about the total area of forest land. The National Forest Assessment (2007) reported about 1.44 million hectares which is about 9.8 percent of the total land. However, tree cover in forest land amounts to only 6.7 percent – much less than 17.62 percent of the land that has been designated as forest lands.

Again, Global Forest Resources Assessment indicated that total forest area of Bangladesh is 1.429 million hectares i.e. 11 percent of the land.

The per capita forest area in Bangladesh is less than 0.015 hectare against the world average of 0.60 hectare. (Abu Syed, the Daily Star, February 2017)


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